Xtreme: Flipper Zero can Spam Android, Windows Devices with Bluetooth Alerts

Xtreame, a custom Flipper Zero Zeo firmware has recently introduced a new feature to conduct Bluetooth spam assaults on Windows and Android devices. 

The technique was first demonstrated by a security researcher against Apple iOS devices, which encouraged others to test its possible effects on other systems.

The underlying idea behind the spam is to send fake advertising packets to devices within range of pairing and connection requests by using Flipper Zero’s wireless communication capabilities.

These kinds of spam attacks are challenging for the victims since they cannot be differentiated whether the device is legitimate or fake. Also, spam attacks impact the user experience by constantly displaying notifications and pop-ups on the targeted device. 

Xtreme Adds ‘Bluetooth Spam’

Earlier this month, Flipper Xtreme revealed on its Discord channel that “spam attacks” will be included in the upcoming major firmware release. 

The Xtreme team also released a demonstration video showing a denial of service (DoS) attack on a Samsung Galaxy mobile, in which the device becomes unusable due to an incessant stream of connection alerts.

While this latest firmware version is not far from reaching a stable status, the “spam attack” has been included in the most recent development build through a new program called ‘BLE Spam,’ which can be found on GitHub.


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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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