Why Sharing Boarding Pass Pictures on Social Media Is a Privacy Risk, Warns Expert


Individuals flying for the first time are aware that an airline boarding pass includes certain details about a traveler, such as their name, flight number, and seat assignment. However, what might not be common knowledge is that these tickets, whether in paper form or electronic, harbor more personal information than readily apparent.
In particular, the barcode on a boarding pass has the capacity to reveal information like a frequent flier number, contact details, or other identifying particulars. According to privacy researcher Bill Fitzgerald, the specifics contained within the barcode can vary from one airline to another. Nevertheless, a prudent approach is to always assume that the scannable code contains personal information about the traveler and their itinerary.
Moreover, travelers should also consider that these barcodes may encompass driver’s license and passport details, as these are typically provided to the airline during check-in or at the airport. Consequently, it is crucial to handle paper boarding passes with care, refraining from casually discarding them into the trash. As Fitzgerald emphasizes, posting them on social media is an absolute no-go.
While these precautions may seem like standard data protection advice, even the most experienced travelers have made mistakes when safeguarding their boarding passes. A prime example is former Australian Prime

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