We Made It, Together: 20 Years of VirusTotal!

Hi Everyone,

We can hardly believe it, but VirusTotal is turning 20 on June 1st! As we sit down to write this, we’re filled with a mix of pride and gratitude. It’s been an incredible journey, and we wouldn’t be here without the amazing community that has supported us every step of the way.

When we started VirusTotal, our goal was simple: to help make the internet a safer place. We never imagined that two decades later, we’d be here celebrating this milestone with all of you. From the early days to now, it’s always been about working together. Whether you’re a user, a contributor, or a supporter, you’ve played a crucial role in our success.

Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of collaborating with some of the brightest minds in cybersecurity. We’ve received support and guidance from industry leaders who believed in our mission and helped us grow. To mark this special occasion, we reached out to a few of these key figures to share their thoughts and memories about VirusTotal. Their testimonials highlight the power of community and collaboration:

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        <img alt="Costin G. Raiu" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjvaPAJmvc7cZs4x08DfQa6sX2whPQCNlH7WbofUJ5P9JW2KDQ6ZV4ENZAFoAdtJ44jlwaQKu6AdB4_WGo470vdAUopQ0myjSZOPGt6QxPB3OXKJofBcgddbgB97edInc8tKupaNdk-wULM3jHtMsQY5xI7cLRHostJ6Ie9DhPVUgYDYN4aBeAn4jnQdpQ/s1600/costin.jpg" />
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            <p><i>"It’s difficult to think of a project that has had a greater impact on our industry than VirusTotal. I believe its success rests on three key pillars: providing easy access to top antivirus engines for users, enabling researchers to efficiently use YARA for pivoting, and the incred

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This article has been indexed from VirusTotal Blog

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