This Security Researcher Infiltrated the LockBit Ransomware Outfit and Exposed its Leader


As part of a larger plan to gather intelligence and stop cybercrime from within, security researchers are actively pursuing and even infiltrating the groups that commit cybercrimes. To win the trust of cybercriminals, they frequently adopt a James Bond image, fabricating identities and conducting covert operations. Here is the account of one such investigator. 

Cybersecurity expert Jon DiMaggio has uncovered the mysterious boss of the infamous LockBit ransomware group in a story that reads like a contemporary cyber thriller. Under the guise of a cybercriminal, DiMaggio managed to penetrate the inner ring of the gang and identify its leader, Dmitry Khoroshev, before the authorities could make his identity public. This remarkable operation, which DiMaggio detailed at Def Con, is a tale involving tactical deception as well as the psychological toll that such a game can take. 

DiMaggio, a researcher at Analyst1, began his infiltration by creating sockpuppet identities to contact with people associated with LockBitSupp, Khoroshev’s online identity. DiMaggio was able to create a realistic cybercriminal personality by monitoring chats and learning about the gang’s culture and preferences. Despite his initial refusal to join the group, DiMaggio

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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