Salt Security, API Posture Governance, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

Securing organizations against today’s most advanced threats continues to be challenging, with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)playing an increasingly central and vulnerable role, especially as digital transformation marches on. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 (CSF) release underscores the urgency of addressing evolving threats and now emphasizes the importance of governance in Cybersecurity. Salt Security, focusing on API Posture Governance, provides an API risk management platform that seamlessly aligns with the updated NIST CSF guidelines.

What’s Different in NIST CSF 2.0?

The revised framework introduces several updates that impact how organizations should approach their cybersecurity strategy:

  • Explicit Governance: The new “Govern” function demands establishing policies, procedures, and risk management strategies to oversee an organization’s cybersecurity efforts. “Govern” is also a critical piece of communication risk back to executives.
  • Broader Inclusivity: CSF 2.0 applies to organizations across industries and sizes, not solely those within critical infrastructure sectors.
  • Outcome-Focused Adaptability: Emphasizing profiles and tiers means companies can customize their compliance and security approach based on specific risk tolerance and business needs.
Source: NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0

The Vital Role of APIs Risk Reduction and Governance

APIs are the connective tissue of contemporary digital operations. Their widespread and increased use introduces critical concerns for businesses seeking CSF alignment:

  • Security Gaps: As API usage proliferates, traditional security tools may struggle to keep up, leaving an organization’s API ecosystem with poor visibility and inadequately protected.
  • Elevated Data Risk: Vulnerabilities in APIs, which frequently process sensitive data, can cause damaging leaks and violate compliance regulations.
  • Governance Challenges: Inconsistent API standards across internal teams such as security, development, and IT can bre

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