Russian Military Hackers Take Aim at Ukrainian Soldiers’ Battle Plans


On Thursday, the United States and its allies issued a warning, revealing that Russian military hackers have been actively pursuing Ukrainian soldiers’ mobile devices. Their objective is to pilfer critical battlefield data, which could potentially bolster the Kremlin’s efforts in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 
The recent advisory released by the United States and its intelligence-sharing partners, known as the “Five Eyes” alliance (comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom), aligns with a report issued by Ukraine’s SBU security service. This report highlights the Russian hackers’ concerted efforts to infiltrate the Android tablets utilized by the Ukrainian military for both strategic planning and executing combat missions. 
According to Ukraine’s SBU, the malicious code employed by the Russian hackers was specifically crafted to pilfer data transmitted from soldiers’ mobile devices to the Starlink satellite system, a creation of billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s company. It is worth noting that the press has previously reported on the pivotal role of Starlink satellites in facilitating Ukraine’s battlefield communications. 
This news underscores the significance of the battle for control over sensitive military information in the realm of cyberspace, which has emerged as a prominent front in Russia’s comprehensive war against Ukraine.
The extent of the hacking campaign’s success remains uncertain.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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