Protecting Against Fog Ransomware: Key Strategies and Insights


In August 2024, a mid-sized financial firm was targeted by a ransomware attack using compromised VPN credentials to deploy a variant called “Fog” on both Windows and Linux systems. Fortunately, the attack was detected and neutralized by Adlumin’s innovative technology, which uses decoy files as sensors to detect ransomware activity.

Fog, a variant of the STOP/DJVU ransomware family first observed in 2021, exploits compromised VPN credentials to breach networks and often targets sectors like education and recreation. 

Once inside, the ransomware uses techniques such as pass-the-hash attacks to escalate privileges, disable security mechanisms, encrypt critical files like Virtual Machine Disks (VMDKs), and delete backup data. Victims are usually directed to a negotiation platform on the Tor network through a ransom note. The lack of direct ties to known threat groups suggests that Fog may originate from a new, highly skilled actor.

The attackers initiated their operation by pinging endpoints and using tools like “Advanced Port Scanner” for network reconnaissance. 

They then moved laterally through the network using compromised service accounts, mapped network drives, and harvested credentials. For execution, they used the open-source tool ‘Rclone’ to transfer data and deployed ‘locker.exe’ to encrypt files. Additionally, they deleted system backups to prevent victims from restoring their data.

Adlumin’s Ransomware Prevention feature played a critical role in neutralizing the attack. This technology, launched

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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