NIS2: 2.Designate a responsible person or team

We wrote here that the second step in implementing NIS2 requirements is to designate a responsible person or team. Appointing an individual or a team responsible for overseeing the implementation of the NIS2 directive within your company is critical to ensure its success. NIS2 implementation and compliance is a project, and as any project must have a dedicated team that is actively working on its implementation. Due to the fact that the the NIS2 requirements are demanding a continuous activity, there must be a continuity of the project after its implementation. This means that there has to be a team appointed to this project that is responsible for continuously monitoring and adapting the activities required for NIS2 compliance. To effectively manage these challenges, companies should establish a new dedicated team or name an existing team to be responsible for cybersecurity and compliance. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the need for such a team and identify existing teams within a company that could take on these vital responsibilities. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, becoming more sophisticated and persistent. From data breaches and ransomware attacks to regulatory changes, companies are exposed to a multitude of risks that can…

This article has been indexed from Sorin Mustaca on Cybersecurity

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