Navalny’s Revenge? Hackers Siphon Huge Russian Prisoner Database: Report


Following the murder of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, anti-Kremlin militants seized a database comprising hundreds of thousands of Russian prisoners and hacked into a government-run online marketplace, according to a report. 

Navalny was the most prominent Russian opposition figure and a strong critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He died on February 16 at a penal colony in Russia’s Arctic region while serving his jail sentence. 

CNN reported that an international group of ‘hactivists’, comprising Russian expats and Ukrainians, stole prison documents and hacked into the marketplace by acquiring access to a computer linked to the Russian prison system. 

Following Navalny’s death in February, overseas ‘hactivists’ allegedly acquired a Russian database containing hundreds of thousands of convicts, relatives, and contacts. 

As per the report, the hackers also targeted the jail system’s online marketplace, where relatives of inmates purchase meals fo

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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