Hackers Target Police Officers and Prosecutors in Miami-Dade


The police officers in North Miami Beach were misled by a counterfeit email masquerading as an official communication from the Miami Dade State Attorney’s Office, as per sources knowledgeable about the scheme.
Utilizing the guise of an SAO investigator probing human trafficking, a scammer circulated the fraudulent email, successfully duping several employees of the North Miami Beach Police Department earlier this week, according to insiders.
Addressing the incident, city authorities issued a statement acknowledging that a handful of email accounts had fallen victim to a phishing scam, impacting multiple government entities. They assured that steps had been taken to regain control of the compromised accounts.
The city affirmed that neither the network nor the data had been affected by the breach, which was confined to email accounts. Investigations into the security breach were ongoing. The SAO also released a statement detailing a “highly sophisticated phishing attempt” aimed at their computer information system, which was detected and neutralized on February 13th.
The perpetrator employed “exceptional electronic reproductions of genuine SAO materials” in the email, designed to entice users into opening what appeared to be authentic documents from SAO personnel, as stated in the SAO’s statement.
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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