Google Eases Restrictions: Teens Navigate Bard with Guardrails


It has been announced that Google is planning on allowing teens in most countries to use a chatbot called Bard which is based on artificial intelligence and possesses some guardrails. It has been announced that on Thursday, Google will begin opening up access to Bard (also known as Google Play for Teens) to teenagers in most countries around the world, according to Tulsee Doshi, Head of Product, Responsible AI at Google. 
A chatbot can be accessed by teens who meet the minimum age requirement to manage their own Google Account as well as those who meet the minimum age requirement to manage their own account in a variety of languages in the future. The expanded launch will come with a number of safety features and guardrails designed to prevent teens from accessing harmful content.
According to a blog post by Google, teenagers can use the search giant’s new tool to find inspiration, learn new hobbies and find solutions to everyday problems, and teens can text Bard with questions about anything from important topics, such as where to apply to college, to more fun matters, such as learning an entirely new sport.
According to Google, the platform is also a valuable learning tool, as it enables teens to dig deeper and learn more about topics, while developing their understanding of complex concepts in the process. In addition to finding inspiration, teens can use Bard to discover new hobbies and solve

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