From Text to Action: Chatbots in Their Stone Age

From Text to Action: Chatbots in Their Stone Age

The stone age of AI

Despite all the talk of generative AI disrupting the world, the technology has failed to significantly transform white-collar jobs. Workers are experimenting with chatbots for activities like email drafting, and businesses are doing numerous experiments, but office work has yet to experience a big AI overhaul.

Chatbots and their limitations

That could be because we haven’t given chatbots like Google’s Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT the proper capabilities yet; they’re typically limited to taking in and spitting out text via a chat interface.

Things may become more fascinating in commercial settings when AI businesses begin to deploy so-called “AI agents,” which may perform actions by running other software on a computer or over the internet.

Tool use for AI

Anthropic, a rival of OpenAI, unveiled a big new product today that seeks to establish the notion that tool use is required for AI’s next jump in usefulness. The business is allowing developers to instruct its chatbot Claude

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