Enhancing API Security: CSPF’s Contribution to Wallarm’s Open-Source Project


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital security, the Cyber Security & Privacy Foundation (CSPF) remains a beacon of innovation and support. Our mission extends beyond mere advocacy for cybersecurity; we actively enhance the tools that fortify our digital world. A testament to this commitment is our recent focus on Wallarm’s API Firewall, a robust tool designed to protect APIs from emerging cyber threats. 
Our journey with Wallarm’s API Firewall began with a simple yet powerful intention: to make this tool not just effective but also adaptable to the stringent requirements of B2B and high-security environments. In doing so, we embarked on a path that not only led us to add new functionalities but also to discover and rectify hidden vulnerabilities. 
Introducing the AllowedIPList Feature and Addressing the Denylist Bug 
The new feature we introduced, the AllowedIPList, is a game-changer for API security. It restricts API access to specific, pre-approved IP addresses, an essential requirement for secure, business-to-business communications and high-security domains. This addition ensures that only authorized machines can interact with the API, thereby enhancing the security manifold.