Data Insights Exposes Ledger’s Granular Tracking: Is Privacy at Stake?


An investigation by Rekt Builder has raised concerns about the extent of data collection by Ledger Live, the official software for managing Ledger hardware wallets. The developer claims that Ledger Live tracks every move users make, including the apps they install and the crypto they hold.

A ledger in accounting can be described as a book of accounts. It is the second book of entry for all accounting transactions. 

A company records their classified financial information in a ledger. Transactions are recorded in the ledger in different accounts as debits and credits. The ledger is intended to provide a clear history of a business’s financial health by providing an accurate account of all its transactions, both present and past. 
A ledger contains all the financial activities of a company in an orderly manner. When preparing financial statements, various active account records such as assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are provided as a record of the transactions or events that have occurred during a certain period. 
The ledger contains all of the accounts required to compile financial statements and is also necessary for audit purposes. The entire list of accounts is also called the chart of accounts. 
Taking to X on December 27, Rekt Builder claims th

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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