ConnectWise ScreenConnect Vulnerability: Navigating the Breach Risk


ConnectWise ScreenConnect, a widely-used remote access software, is facing a critical vulnerability that could expose sensitive data and allow the deployment of malicious code. Described as an authentication bypass flaw, the severity-rated vulnerability poses a significant risk to more than a million small to medium-sized businesses that rely on ConnectWise’s remote access technology. 
The flaw was initially reported to ConnectWise on February 13, with the company publicly disclosing details on February 19. The vulnerability enables attackers to bypass authentication, potentially leading to the remote theft of confidential data or the injection of malware into vulnerable servers. While ConnectWise initially stated there was no indication of public exploitation, recent updates confirm compromised accounts and active exploitation. 
ConnectWise has not disclosed the exact number of affected customers, but it has seen “limited reports” of suspected intrusions. Approximately 80% of customer environments are cloud-based and were automatically patched within 48 hours. However, concerns persist, with cybersecurity firm Huntress reporting active exploitation and signs of threat actors moving towards more targeted post-exploitation and persistence mechanisms. 
ConnectWise spokesperson Amanda Lee declined to comment on the number of affected customers but emphasized that there has been no reported data exfiltration. However, the

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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