China Caught Deploying Remote Access Trojan Tailored for FortiGate Devices


The Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD) of the Netherlands has issued a warning regarding the discovery of a new strain of malware believed to be orchestrated by the Chinese government. Named “Coathanger,” this persistent and highly elusive malware has been identified as part of a broader political espionage agenda, targeting vulnerabilities in FortiGate devices.
In a recent advisory, MIVD disclosed that Coathanger was employed in espionage activities aimed at the Dutch Ministry of Defense (MOD) in 2023. Investigations into the breach revealed that the malware exploited a known flaw in FortiGate devices, specifically CVE-2022-42475.
Coathanger operates as a second-stage malware and does not exploit any novel vulnerabilities. 
Unlike some malware that relies on new, undisclosed vulnerabilities (zero-day exploits), Coathanger operates as a second-stage malware and does not exploit any novel vulnerabilities. However, the advisory emphasizes that it could potentially be used in conjunction with future vulnerabilities in FortiGate devices.
Described as stealthy and resilient, Coathanger evades detection by concealing itself through sophisticated methods, such as hooking system calls to evade detection. It possesses the capability to survive system reboots and firmware upgrades, making it particularly challenging to eradicate.

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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