Chastity Device Designer Exposes Customers’ Private Data Due to Server Vulnerabilities


A security researcher found that users of a company’s chastity device ran the risk of having their private information exposed. The researcher was able to access over 10,000 users’ email addresses, plaintext passwords, home locations, IP addresses, and GPS coordinates thanks to security weaknesses in the company’s servers. 

The researcher attempted to notify the company of the vulnerabilities and persuade them to make the necessary repairs after finding them. The company hasn’t yet replied to the flaws or fixed them, though. 

TechCrunch, a security news portal who initially published the report, has chosen to withhold the company’s identity in order to protect its users from the continued risks they face. To notify people of the issue at hand, it contacted the company’s web provider and China’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT). Unfortunately, the company has not made any efforts to fix these issues. 

The researcher defaced the company’s homepage in an effort to alert the company and its customers. But within a day, the fir

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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