Change Healthcare Detects Ransomware Attack Vector


The cyberattack’s widespread destruction underscores how threat actors can do significant damage by targeting a relatively unknown vendor that serves a vital operational function behind the scenes.

The AlphV ransomware group disrupted basic operations to the critical systems of US healthcare services by attacking a vital financial and claims processing link in a highly interconnected industry.

The outage and cascading effects of the cyberattack on the healthcare IT systems continued into the fourth week on Thursday.

UnitedHealth Group reported unauthorised access on its systems on February 21.

The reconnecting and testing of Change’s claims systems will be completed in phases next week.

The US Department of Health and Human Services launched an inquiry into the incident on Wednesday to investigate whether protected health information was stolen and if Change met privacy and security standards. 

The department’s Office

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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