Category: Cisco Talos Blog

The 3 most common post-compromise tactics on network infrastructure

We discuss three of the most common post-compromise tactics that Talos has observed in our threat telemetry and Cisco Talos Incident Response (Talos IR) engagements. These include modifying the device’s firmware, uploading customized/weaponized firmware, and bypassing security measures. This article…

Badgerboard: A PLC backplane network visibility module

Analysis of the traffic between networked devices has always been of interest since devices could even communicate with one another.  As the complexity of networks grew, the more useful dedicated traffic analysis tools became. Major advancements have been made over…

Stop running security in passive mode

As we begin a new year, we wanted to address one of the biggest issues we consistently see in our investigations: passive security.  Incident response engagements are an important part of our work and the intelligence-gathering process and their associated…

Why the toothbrush DDoS story fooled us all

There was about a 24-hour period where many news outlets reported on a reported DDoS attack that involved a botnet made up of thousands of internet-connected toothbrushes. This article has been indexed from Cisco Talos Blog Read the original article:…

TinyTurla Next Generation – Turla APT spies on Polish NGOs

Cisco Talos has identified a new backdoor authored and operated by the Turla APT group, a Russian cyber espionage threat group. This new backdoor we’re calling “TinyTurla-NG” (TTNG) is similar to Turla’s previously disclosed implant, TinyTurla, in coding style and…

Why is the cost of cyber insurance rising?

Cyber insurance premiums are expected to rise this year after leveling out in 2023. This article has been indexed from Cisco Talos Blog Read the original article: Why is the cost of cyber insurance rising?

A personal Year in Review to round out 2023

Everyone’s New Year’s Resolution should be to stop using passwords altogether. This article has been indexed from Cisco Talos Blog Read the original article: A personal Year in Review to round out 2023

Video: Talos 2023 Year in Review highlights

In this video, experts from across Cisco Talos came together to discuss the 2023 Talos Year in Review. We chat about what’s new, what’s stayed the same, and how the geopolitical environment has affected the threat landscape. This article has…

What is threat hunting?

Many organizations are curious about the idea of threat hunting, but what does this really entail? In this video, four experienced security professionals from across Cisco recently sat down to discuss the basics of threat hunting, and how to go about…

Understanding the Phobos affiliate structure and activity

Cisco Talos identified the most prolific Phobos variants, TTPs and affiliate structure, based on their activity and analysis of over 1,000 samples from VirusTotal dating back to 2019. We assess with moderate confidence Eking, Eight, Elbie, Devos and Faust are…

Threat Roundup for November 3 to November 10

Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between Nov. 3 and Nov. 10. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we've…

Spammers abuse Google Forms’ quiz to deliver scams

Cisco Talos has recently observed an increase in spam messages abusing a feature of quizzes created within Google Forms. This article has been indexed from Cisco Talos Blog Read the original article: Spammers abuse Google Forms’ quiz to deliver scams

Threat Roundup for October 27 to November 3

Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between Oct. 27 and Nov. 3. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we've…