Barracuda’s Vigilance: Tackling Cyberattack Sophistication Head-On


Security for web applications has historically been difficult and complex because they are among the primary vectors of attack against your network that criminals use to penetrate. In addition to offering comprehensive protection against all kinds of application-based threats, the Barracuda Web Application Firewall comes with highly flexible deployment options and exceptional ease of use. 
Using artificial intelligence-based pattern analysis, Barracuda Managed XDR, a leading provider of cloud-first security solutions, revealed the results of its first half of 2023 analysis. Among more than one trillion IT events collected, Barracuda Managed XDR was able to detect and neutralize thousands of high-risk incidents based on the data it collected. 
It has been discovered in new research that scammers are keeping cyber-extortion attacks hidden from tech-savvy consumers. As part of a research project carried out by Columbia University, researchers examined 300,000 emails that were detected over one year to be blackmail scams as a result of artificial intelligence (AI) detectors designed by Barracuda Networks.  
It was also the team’s goal to study how cybercriminals use tactics to extort money from people without being detected by security teams or payment systems, to see how they can do so.  


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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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