AI in Sounds is Helping Brands Create Their ‘Sonic Identity’

It is now well acknowledged that in the present era, individuals are constantly exposed to fast-moving imagery, be it through social media videos or digital billboards in public places. 

However, Michele Arnese, an advertising entrepreneur believes there has been a similar surge in ‘sounds.’ According to him, brands can only be complete with the help of AI. 

According to Arnese, “More and more the sound of a brand is like liquid[…] It goes everywhere and takes its shape according to the customer experience.”

In 2009, Arnese founded the AI-based music company – Amp – based in Munich. The company (now acquired by Landor&Fitch, a WWP advertising subsidiary) uses AI to create a wide range of sounds for businesses, from brief noise bursts when an app launches to extended compositions for things like podcasts and social media videos. The “sonic identity” of a brand is what he refers to as this.

Nowadays, AI has been exemplifying its capabilities, like reimagining films, creating music using the voices of artists, developing architectural drawings and much more. Thus, its significance in the world of advertising is also evident. 

What can AI do for Sound in ‘Advertising’? 

Arnese confirmed that humans have an important role in the company’s process. For instance, his in-house composers create a track called “Sonic DNA” of the brand, that lasts for around 90 seconds. 

The initi

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