1.5 Billion Real Estate Records Leaked, Including Elon Musk and Kylie Jenner


Jeremiah Fowler, a cybersecurity researcher, uncovered and notified VPNMentor about an exposed database related to the New York-based online business Real Estate Wealth Network. The compromised database had 1.5 billion records, including real estate ownership data for millions of people. 

The database, which had a total size of 1.16 TB (1,523,776,691 records), had organised folders containing information on property owners, sellers, investors, and internal user tracking data. It included daily logging records from 4/22/23 to 10/23/23 that included internal user search data. 

Cameron Dunlap founded Real Estate Wealth Network in 1993 to provide education and resources for real estate investors. The platform costs a one-time, non-refundable fee of $1,450 for access to a vast collection of data, which includes online courses, training materials, a community, and mentorship/coaching from experienced experts. 

Upon further investigation, Fowler discovered that the exposed database contained the purported property ownership data of celebrities including Kylie Jenner, Blake Shelton, Britney

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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